Logos Imaging’s SOSTÓS complements the range of our newest, and most rugged small format DR imaging systems. We were the first to introduce a glass-free DR imager to the security market, and the SOSTÓS system with the 2626N panel continues Logos Imaging’s commitment to the leading edge of DR imaging design.

The system is no different to its bigger counterparts, and like the XIRÓS and STENÓS it also offers the advantages of built in wireless communications and a removable battery that provides three hours of operation for situations where ultra-portability and up to 275 m* wireless communications are desirable. With the removable handle and antenna, this is a perfect solution when all one needs is to grab some X-ray images for further inspection off-site.

* Line of Sight and dependent on antenna used

The SOSTÓS 2626N panel’s glass-free design allows for the smallest borders on the market at just 3 mm on two sides, and minimal dead space on the remaining sides, making 83% of the imager surface an active area. This design, coupled with IP67 rated enclosure, provides users an undeniable advantage over competitive systems regardless of where the job site is located.

Ideally suited for dismounted SOF operations, the SOSTÓS full wireless system in a backpack configuration weighs just under 11 lb (5 kg). With internal wireless communication, the SOSTÓS is perfect for users that want to quickly assess an item. At 2.6 lb (1.2 kg) and only 0.6 in (15 mm) thin, the SOSTÓS panel can be easily transported on target with minimal effort. In environments where wireless communication is acceptable, the entire imaging system consists of only a flat panel detector, an operating PC, LIA Security software, carrying case, wireless control device, and a Golden Engineering Source.
If desired by the user, the AED mode allows to capture the X-ray images directly on the panel, which does not need any kind of connection, with the X-ray being fired manually from the generator. The panel shows a visible image count reflecting how many images are already stored – with the space for up to 80 images, we hope its potential to truly fill the gap. The two batteries included in the system allow for a total of up to six hours of operation on a single battery charge, in almost any environment.

Ulotka produktu

Specyfikacja panelu SOSTÓS

( wszystkie wagi i wymiary są przybliżone i mogą ulec zmianie bez powiadomienia )

Technologia panelu MONOS 14×17

Krzem amorficzny z TFT, Scyntylator: Gadox DRZ Plus

Powierzchnia pikseli (aktywna)

258 x 258 mm

Matryca pikselowa

1536 x 1536pikseli

Rozmiar piksela

168 μm

Konwersja AD

16 bitów

Skala szarości


Interfejs komunikacyjny

Bezprzewodowo od 275 m do 400m (w zasięgu wzroku i zależy od wykorzystywanych anten) lub przewodowo od 15m do 200m

Zakres temperatur do pracy

W trybie przewodowym: -20oC do +50 st.C
W trybie bezprzewodowym: -20oC do +40 st.C

Zakres energii RTG

40 – 330 kV

Waga (sam panel) z bateriami

1.2 kg

Wymiary (Szerokość x Wysokość x Grubość)

280 x 283 x 15 mm


100-240 V AC (50-60 Hz) przy zastosowaniu dostarczonego źródła zasilania. Wymienne akumulatory 14.4 V, 93Wh, Li-Ion

Wymagania systemowe komputera PC*

Przynajmniej Core i7 Processor
4GB of RAM
Dysk twardy przynajmniej 500 GB
Windows 7 Professional lub wyższy
Minimum 1600 x 900 rozdzielczości wyświetlacza


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